
Fertilizer Market Dashboard

The outbreak of the war in Ukraine sent fertilizer prices soaring to all-time highs as prices for natural gas, a key feedstock for nitrogenous fertilizer production, drove production cutbacks and sanctions and export restrictions disrupted exports. These drivers of market turmoil intensified fears of reduced global food production and higher food prices. While global supply continues to rebound and prices abate, risks linger and monitoring market developments remains key.

The Fertilizer Market Dashboard provides you several ways to monitor the latest developments in fertilizer markets, including a summary of market developments and tools for tracking fertilizer trade, utilization, and production. 


Fertilizer Dashboard

Monthly assessments of fertilizer market developments were prepared for the AMIS Market Monitor. You can find a summary of all months on the "Market Overview" tab of the Fertilizer Market Dashboard above.

Overview of market developments in June 2024

Fertilizer prices were supported by higher crop prices in May, but price increases moderated in June. Nitrogen fertilizer prices are higher on natural gas availability affecting production in Egypt and limits still in place on exports out of China. Phosphates remain firm while potash is unchanged. In the next few weeks, upcoming import demand in major buyers Brazil and India will emerge.

Fertilizer input prices

Natural gas prices in the U.S. increased in June with above normal temperature forecasts suggesting higher energy demand for cooling. Prices in Europe were up on supply concerns and competition from other major LNG buyers, but higher than usual reserves kept price increases in check. Ammonia prices remain supported East of Suez by production outages, but West of Suez, prices are down due to soft demand.

Nitrogen fertilizer prices

Urea prices were up the most out of all markets tracked. In Egypt, urea production plants ran at reduced rates as the government manages energy use. Meanwhile, export certificates were suspended out of China where domestic prices remain high. Virtually no volumes from China have been exported since January. On the demand side, a tender was announced in India despite high stocks.

Phosphorus fertilizer prices

Phosphorus fertilizer prices were up slightly in June. Supply remains tight. Exports this year to date from China - which normally make up a third of phosphorus fertilizer exports - are down 30 percent compared to the same period last year. Major buyers like Brazil have been deferring purchases in hopes of lower phosphate prices but have since returned to market in attempts to make up the import lag ahead of September application.

Potash prices

Potash prices were largely unchanged in June, and the market was slow. Markets are waiting for clarity how the establishment of a new government in India, a major importer, could impact import demand. Import demand is strong in China and Brazil, though global supply has kept pace.