Early warning tools

Here you can find our tools that are related to early warning early action. This includes the Early Warning Hub that brings together alerts from existing systems, the control panel for food crisis risk monitoring, and our early warning system for excessive food price volatility.

Excessive Food Price Variability Early Warning System

The Excessive Food Price Variability Early Warning System is a tool of the Food Security Portal that identifies periods of excessive price variability (i.e. price variability that exceeds a pre-established threshold), and it is updated on a daily basis to identify days that are within periods of high, moderate, and low price variability.

Early Warning Hub

Reliable, timely information on food production and availability, food prices, and hunger levels are key to helping decision makers anticipate and respond to food crises and their drivers. Early warning systems exist to collect, analyze, and disseminate such information.

The Early Warning Hub brings together in one place the alerts and other information from across several Early Warning Systems.

Control Panel for Risk Monitoring

The control panel for real-time monitoring of risk factors is an innovative tool that brings together information on various drivers of food crises, including conflict and climate-related shocks.

Crop Diseases Media Analysis

Crop pest and disease outbreaks threaten global food security by reducing food quantity and quality, potentially leading to shortages, price spikes, and hunger. Smallholder farmers in developing countries are particularly vulnerable. To address this challenge, the Food Security Portal has developed a real-time media analysis system to monitor the top 5 crop pests and diseases identified by the CGIAR Plant Health Initiative.