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Can sustainability standards promote socioeconomic development in the small farm sector?

Dec 13th, 2017 • by Sara Gustafson

Sustainability standards and certification schemes such as Fairtrade , Organic , UTZ , and Rainforest Alliance are gaining in importance, especially in the coffee sector. Today, at least 30 percent of the coffee area under cultivation worldwide is certified. Consumer demand for certified products is rising, as is the involvement of private, public, and third-sector actors. In developing countries, governments and Western development agencies have been launching projects to promote farmer adoption of standards.

Value Chains for Small Farmers

Mar 5th, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

As the global population has become increasingly larger and more urbanized, and as incomes continue to rise, agricultural markets have changed drastically. The demand for high-value agricultural products and the emphasis placed on foreign trade means that poor rural farmers are often left out of the market. Smallholder farmers may not be able to compete with larger farmers who can provide consistent quantities of high-quality products.