
Sep 1st, 2020

Monthly Coffee Market Report - September 2020

Global coffee production in 2019/20 is estimated at 169.34 million bags, 2.2% lower than last year, as output of Arabica decreased by 5% to 95.99 million bags, while that of Robusta rose by 1.9% to 73.36 million bags. World coffee consumption is expected to decrease by 0.5% to 167.81 million bags as the covid-19 pandemic continues to put pressure on the global economy and greatly limits out-ofhome coffee consumption. As a result, coffee year 2019/20 is seen ending in a surplus of 1.54 million bags. This compares to a surplus of 4.4 million bags in 2018/19. The two consecutive surpluses have limited a recovery in prices, which remain below the long-term average of 135.34 US cents/lb between 2007 and 2018. The ICO composite indicator in September rose by 1.3% to 116.25 US cents/lb. It averaged 107.25 US cents/lb in coffee year 2019/20, 6.7% higher compared to 2018/19. All group indicator prices rose in September 2020 for the third consecutive month, with the largest increase occurring for Other Milds.
Aug 1st, 2020

Uganda: Acute Food Insecurity Situation June - August 2020 and Projection for September 2020 - January 2021 and Acute Malnutrition Situation February 2020 - January 2021

For the current period (June - August 2020), 23% of the analysed population (2.6 million people) is facing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above). 38% of the population is in Stressed (IPC Phase 2) and 40% is in Minimal Acute Food Insecurity (IPC Phase 1). The population in IPC Phases 3 and 4 is employing Crisis coping strategies due to increasing food consumption gaps and reduced dietary diversity. In the current period, an estimated 1.5 million people in 14 refugee settlements and 11 hosting districts, (26% of the population analysed) are facing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above) and are in need of urgent action. Out of the 1.5 million people in refugee camps and host communities classified in IPC Phase 3 or above, approximately 1 million reside in host communities (23% of the host community population analysed) , while nearly 500,000 are in refugee settlements, (32% of refugees in 14 refugee settlements.)
Aug 1st, 2020

Guatemala: Acute Food Insecurity Situation August - October 2020 and Projection for November 2020 - March 2021

From August to October 2020, about 3.7 million people were facing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above), and therefore, required urgent action. This figure will likely decrease to 2.7 million people between November 2020 and March 2021. Until October 2020, the departments classified as being in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) were: Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Chimaltenango, Chiquimula, El Progreso, Huehuetenango, Jalapa, Jutiapa, Quetzaltenango, Quiché, San Marcos, Santa Rosa, Sololá, Suchitepéquez, Totonicapán and Zacapa. The economic effects of the COVID-19 mitigation measures have been counteracted by state and private humanitarian aid, preventing a greater severity of acute food insecurity in most departments.
Jul 6th, 2020

COVID-19: Needs Analysis Informing WFP’s Global Response Plan: Methods and Key Findings

In countries where WFP operates, COVID-19 could push an additional 121 million people into acute food insecurity by the end of 2020. Considering that 149 million people were already acutely food insecure pre-COVID (including 12 million refugees), this would lead to a total of 270 million people facing acute food insecurity by the end of the year, an increase of more than 80 percent. Pre-COVID-19, the Middle East and North Africa had the highest number of acutely food insecure people – mainly due to conflict, displacement and economic crisis. Latin America and West Africa are expected to have the highest increase of additional people facing acute hunger due to COVID-19. In West Africa, the number of acutely food insecure people could more than double while in Latin America, the number of people with acute food insecurity could nearly triple. Countries of particular concern are those affected by protracted conflict or faced with other compounding shocks such as economic crisis, locust infestation, droughts or other disasters.
Jul 6th, 2020

Economic and food security implications of the COVID-19 outbreak

Global food security has been deteriorating in recent years due to conflicts, climate shocks, economic downturns and desert locust. The COVID-19 pandemic could drive up the increase in acute hunger over the past four years to more than 80 percent. The global economic outlook looks increasingly grim, reflected in the IMF’s revision of its estimates to -4.9 percent global GDP contraction in 2020, 2.1 percentage points below the April forecast. Moreover, the geographic spread of COVID-19 cases has
continued to evolve – and with it the challenges that poor countries face (Figure 1). After China, Europe and the US, Latin America has emerged as the epicenter of the pandemic. South Asia’s curve of weekly new cases has a worryingly steep slope too. As of mid-June, two out of three new confirmed cases are in low- and middle-income countries. While these countries are trying to cope with the fallout of an increasingly severe global economic recession, they are also battling the disease at home.
This brief, therefore, shifts attention from the external to the domestic shock, complementing the analysis of countries at risk of worsening food insecurity in earlier updates.
Jul 1st, 2020

GIEWS Crop Prospects and Food Situation - No 2 on July 2020

FAO assesses that globally 44 countries, of which 34 are in Africa, continue to be in need of external assistance for food. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are causing wide‑ranging and severe negative impacts on food security, particularly through the loss of income. Conflicts and weather shocks remain critical factors that underpin the current high levels of severe food insecurity.
Jul 1st, 2020

WFP VAM the Market Monitor issue 48 - July 2020

The costs of food baskets were affected 'severely' in 20 countries in Q2-2020, during which the COVID-19 pandemic has played a major role. Most notably, despite massive income losses, strong demand resulting from stockpiling in combination with disrupted trade flows led to steep increases in staple food prices in Tajikistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Afghanistan.
Jun 1st, 2020

GIEWS Food Outlook Report, June 2020

Food markets will face many more months of uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, while most markets are braced for a major global economic downturn, the agri-food sector is likely to display more resilience to the crisis than other sectors.