
Sep 29th, 2020

Global Report on Food Crises - 2020 September update

This September update of the 2020 Global Report on Food Crises with a special focus on COVID-19 finds that a range of 101–104.6 million people in 27 countries are classified in Crisis or worse (IPC/CH Phase 3 or above) according to analyses carried out between March and September 2020, reflecting the peak situation in times of COVID-19 in countries.
Sep 23rd, 2020

Report: COVID-19 and its Impacts on Childhood Malnutrition and Nutrition-related Mortality

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) conducted recent analysis on economic shocks and child wasting showing an important increase in the prevalence of moderate or severe wasting among children younger than 5 years due to COVID-19-related losses in GNI per capita. To consider the implications of this analysis for Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI), IFPRI, the Ethiopia National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) and the Food Security Portal (FSP) Project co-hosted a webinar on “COVID-19 and its impacts on childhood malnutrition and nutrition related mortality” on 23rd September 2020, which this report summarizes.
Sep 1st, 2020

Monthly Coffee Market Report - September 2020

Global coffee production in 2019/20 is estimated at 169.34 million bags, 2.2% lower than last year, as output of Arabica decreased by 5% to 95.99 million bags, while that of Robusta rose by 1.9% to 73.36 million bags. World coffee consumption is expected to decrease by 0.5% to 167.81 million bags as the covid-19 pandemic continues to put pressure on the global economy and greatly limits out-ofhome coffee consumption. As a result, coffee year 2019/20 is seen ending in a surplus of 1.54 million bags. This compares to a surplus of 4.4 million bags in 2018/19. The two consecutive surpluses have limited a recovery in prices, which remain below the long-term average of 135.34 US cents/lb between 2007 and 2018. The ICO composite indicator in September rose by 1.3% to 116.25 US cents/lb. It averaged 107.25 US cents/lb in coffee year 2019/20, 6.7% higher compared to 2018/19. All group indicator prices rose in September 2020 for the third consecutive month, with the largest increase occurring for Other Milds.