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Mutually reinforcing factors led to soaring food insecurity in 2020: 2021 Global Report on Food Crises Released

May 5th, 2021 • by S. Gustafson

The number of people around the world facing severe food insecurity skyrocketed by 20 million in 2020, according to the 2021 Global Report on Food Crises, released today. Acute food insecurity now affects at least 155 million people across 55 countries/territories, with some regions facing famine-level hunger. In light of these soaring numbers, the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of zero hunger by 2030 seems to have gotten further from reach.

FEWS NET Releases Horn of Africa Seasonal Forecast

Mar 12th, 2012 • by Sara Gustafson

FEWS NET has released an updated forecast analysis for the Horn of Africa, citing the likelihood of poor rainfall in the coming months. In the most likely scenario, rainfall in March-May will be ten percent below average. While a ten percent reduction in rainfall would not have substantial negative impacts on crop production, humanitarian agencies are urged to prepare contingency plans to address possible disruptions to food access.

Download the full report


full report


Famine Spreads in Somalia

Sep 6th, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

According to FEWS NET, the prevalence of malnutrition and the rate of crude mortality have surpassed famine thresholds in the Bay Region of southern Somalia. A combination of poor crop production and deteriorating purchasing power has pushed poor households in this region into massive food deficits. Due to this rapidly deteriorating situation, the FAO-managed Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit and FEWS NET have now classified this region as IPC Phase 5 Famine.

Comprehensive FEWS NET Resources for Horn of Africa Drought and Food Security Crisis

Jul 28th, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

As the food security emergency in the Horn of Africa continues, FEWS NET has compiled a wide-ranging collection of information and resources related to the ongoing drought, famine declaration, and causes behind the crisis.

FEWS NET Horn of Africa crisis web-page with all links (updated regularly)

Somalia 10 Day Update of Conditions

Kenya 10 Day Update of Conditions

East Africa: Multi-Sectoral Response is Critical

Special Report on Rice Prices