
What's New

US Senate Votes to End Ethanol Subsidies

Jun 27th, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

The US Senate on Thursday voted to eliminate billions of dollars in federal ethanol subisidies, making it unlikely that the current 45-cent-per-gallon subsidy for refiners and 54-cent-per-gallon tariff on imported ethanol will be extended beyond the end of the year.

G20 Action Plan Highlights Agriculture and Food Price Volatility

Jun 24th, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

With food security remaining a critical issue for both developed and developing countries, the Meeting of G20 Agriculture Ministers met on June 22-23 to discuss food price volatility and improved sustainable agricultural policies. The Action Plan developed at the meeting highlights greater sustainable productivity, better market information, more open trade, comprehensive rural development and agricultural policies, and sustained investment in agricultural development.

Download the full report.

GIEWS Releases Latest Crop Prospects and Food Situation Report

Jun 23rd, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

FAO Global Information and Early Warning System has released the latest global crop prospects and food situation report, citing 2011 cereal production forecasts revised down by 13 million tonnes from June 7. This downward revision brings world cereal production below overall utilization, leading to a further decline in world stocks.

Download the full report

USDA Releases Latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates

Jun 16th, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

The World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report provides monthly comprehensive forecasts of supply and demand for major U.S. and global crops, supplied by the USDA. Crops covered include wheat, coarse grains, rice, and oilseeds. This report can explain past and current global commodities trends, as well as predict trends for the coming year.

Download the full June report. For more information regarding the WASDE reports, visit