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Risk Coping Tools

Feb 19th, 2012 • by Sara Gustafson

For the world's poorest populations, risk is evident in everyday life. From negative weather events such as drought and flood to fluctuations in international financial markets, risk can take many forms and requires innovative global strategies to mitigate.

Tropical Agricultural Platform

Feb 3rd, 2012 • by Sara Gustafson

The recommendations of the 2012 G20 Agriculture Ministers have focused, among other topics, on the importance of increasing agricultural productivity throughout the developing world. Different regions of the world, however, present different challenges and opportunities for agricultural growth. In particular, tropical areas can have a very high potential for increasing agricultural productivity and, consequently, reducing poverty and improving food security; however, such productivity is limited by a lack of access to information and weak capacities.

B20 Document

Jan 23rd, 2012 • by Sara Gustafson

Food security and economic growth are closely linked through global markets, trade, and investments. The actions of global businesses, particularly in developed countries, play a crucial role in creating jobs, stimulating economic growth, encouraging investment and innovation in the agricultural sector, and reforming the structure of international markets to ensure economic stability.