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Experts: What is causing food prices to spike around the world?

Jun 20th, 2024 • by GIULIANA VIGLIONE

Spiking food prices have made headlines around the world this year, from eggs in the US to vegetables in India.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s Food Price Index has been slowly increasing over the past six months following declines over much of 2023.

For example, the price of orange juice concentrate in the US was 42% higher in April than it was a year ago, while the price of fresh orange juice in the UK has risen 25% over the last year.

In Greece, the price of olive oil rose by nearly 30% over 2023 and by more than 63% in April of this year. 

Global fertilizer trade 2021-2023: What happened after war-related price spikes

Apr 12th, 2024 • by Charlotte Hebebrand and Joseph Glauber

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 sent a shock through global fertilizer markets. All agricultural trade in the region was disrupted for a time, and a number of countries imposed economic sanctions on major fertilizer producers Russia and its ally Belarus (the latter already targeted pre-invasion by European Union fertilizer export sanctions). Prices spiked, resulting in fears of widespread impacts on agricultural production. Since then, fertilizer prices have fallen from those initial highs and new trade routes and patterns have emerged.