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Rising Food Prices: What is the Impact on Households?

Jan 27th, 2011 • by Sara Gustafson

As global food prices continue to surge, individuals and families in the developing world may be facing a new food reality. Fluctuations in the price of staple commodities may benefit some households’ welfare (producers) while hurting others (consumers). Understanding how price increases affect the developing world on a household level can pose a major challenge to global policymakers as they strive to respond to global and national food crises.

Market Structure and Pricing Behavior in the Fertilizer Industry

Dec 29th, 2010 • by Sara Gustafson

In the search for effective and sustainable policies to promote fertilizer use, numerous studies (especially those focused on developing regions) identify several supply-side and demand-side constraints at both the regional and country level that limit the development of input markets, and consequently fertilizer uptake.